• 6200 North Charles Street Baltimore (Towson), Maryland 21212


How We Seek to Live Out This Vision With Our Younger Members

The Intergenerational/Children’s Team for Christian Education at Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Church has grounded its programmatical efforts in our baptismal commitment to live as disciples (or apprentices) of Christ. To become Christian (Christ-like) means to take seriously the Great Commission to:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always to the end of the age. (Matt. 28:18)

It is our goal to enculturate our children (and ourselves). In baptismal language, that is to submerse them in our faith, our beliefs, our way of life. From that standpoint, we must be vigilant in attending to all aspects of church life. How we welcome and include people; how we offer pastoral care to one another; how we reach out to those beyond our doors; how we worship; how we share our faith; how we live our everyday lives…all teach our children how to be Christian. In his book, Will Our Children Have Faith?, John Westerhoff says:

“Our children will have faith if we have faith and are faithful. Both we and our children will have Christian faith if we join with others in a worshiping, learning, witnessing Christian community of faith. To evolve this sort of community where persons strive to be Christian together is the challenge of Christian education in the years ahead.”