• 6200 North Charles Street Baltimore (Towson), Maryland 21212


The Deacons ministry is outreach to those in the congregation who are homebound, ill, friendless or in distress. At Brown Memorial we visit all homebound members and serve as a connection to the congregation. We deliver flowers, the Sunday Bulletin and monthly newsletter, The Herald, as well as devotional literature.

The visits help bridge the gap for those who cannot attend Sunday service and provide us with an enriching experience as we enjoy the privilege of maintaining the connection. We remember birthdays with cards and greetings for young and old, and send care packages to those in college. If you are interested in becoming a Deacon, please contact the Church Office. Although Deacons are chosen by the nominating committee and voted on by the congregation, all members of the church are encouraged to minister to those in need.

Class of 2016

Tom Eastman

Anne Stone

Dottie Phipps

Class of 2017

Edie Cleaves

Mimi Cooper

Phyllis Ross


Class of 2018

Jane Houck

Elena Storey

Bob Gist