Hospital Ministry
Please notify the Church Office (410-377-7232 x 10) or the pastor (410-377-7232 x 11) if you or a family member is in the hospital, or otherwise would like a visit from the pastor or a Deacon.
Memorial Service Planning
In order for the church to be able to care for your family more intentionally at the time of death, it is helpful to have certain information on hand. In addition sometimes families find it comforting to know what their loved ones have thought about for a memorial or funeral service–favorite scripture passages, hymns and other music, perhaps a poem that has special meaning for you.
If you would like to leave preferences for a memorial or funeral service, you print this form, fill it out, and mail it to or leave it in the Church Office. Or you may contact the Church Office to mail one to you. We will place the information in your member file for use when the time arrives.
Please return completed or updated forms to Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Church, 6200 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21212.